
17 10, 2022

October Reminders

2022-10-18T15:00:35-06:00Categories: Springville|

Dear Omega: A few reminders: 1. Over the past weekend, we had the carpets cleaned and cleaned both the boys and girls dressing rooms out.  We have quite the collection of uniforms (both black and white) that need a home.  We have them in the office.  If these uniforms are not claimed this week, we will be donating them or throwing the really old ones away.  Please come and see if any of them are yours. 2. There is still time to register for the Shine On Tournament.  The date of the tournament is Saturday, October 29th.  This tournament is [...]

19 08, 2022

2022 Shine On Tournament will be on OCT 29

2022-08-19T01:03:04-06:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|Tags: , |

We are excited to announce this year's Shine On of Shihan Tournament will be held SATURDAY, OCT 29 at Mountain View High School, Orem. For details and tournament registration, please visit SHINEONTOURNAMENT.COM **All martial art students from any Utah school is invited!** Please contact Shihan Richard Davis with any questions.

20 07, 2022

Fall 2022 Schedule

2022-07-27T05:00:17-06:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|

Hello all! We hope you had a wonderful summer break and are ready to get back to practicing martial arts together! We have a new schedule starting Monday, August 1. A couple items to note are LONGER class times for the Youth and Adult classes. We feel the students need a bit more time in front of instructors each week. In addition, we are combining ALL the red and red/white belts to come to the same class (Tues/Thurs 6:45-8:00 PM) The month of August we will be monitoring the classes to ensure the class sizes and ranks are optimized for [...]

10 07, 2022

2022 Black Belt Week

2022-07-11T03:13:11-06:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|

It's Black Belt Week! We are so excited to watch all the Black Belt candidates test in the 2022 Black Belt test. The Black Belt Testing sessions are open to all Omega students to come and watch (if there is room). We will also be streaming each of the sessions over YouTube. You can find the link on the Omega Martial Arts home page. The Black Belt Testing schedule is (held at the Springville Studio): Wednesday Night: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Thursday Night: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Friday Night: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - [...]

14 06, 2022

Three FREE Seminars June 13-18

2022-06-14T02:15:47-06:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|Tags: |

Kama Seminar Monday, June 13  6:30 - 7:15 PM. Presented by Sabumnim Stacy Gale.  Please bring kamas, tonfas, or escrimas. How to be a More Effective Teacher Tuesday, June 14 6:30 - 7:30 PM. Presented by Sabumnim Rachel Wilkerson. This will be the first of many discussions, story-sharing, question-answering, Teaching on Teaching classes! I would appreciate it so greatly if you would brainstorm ideas and bring those ideas on the subjects of:     1.    What being a teacher, instructor, leader, or mentor means to you.     2.    Important teachers and/or people in your life, and why [...]

12 05, 2022

Summer T-Shirts are IN!

2022-05-12T01:34:58-06:00Categories: Specials, Springville|

The OMEGA Summer T-Shirts are finally here!!  They turned out awesome.  These shirts can be worn during class as a replacement for the uniform top. The pricing for the shirts are as follows: Youth Sizes:  $20 plus tax Adult Sizes:  $25 plus tax. We also have a few Youth Small and Youth XSmall that are from last year that are Blow Out Pricing for $15 plus tax. Come in the office quick and pick one up.

29 11, 2021

2021 Omega Hoodies

2021-12-03T19:40:03-07:00Categories: Springville|

The Omega Hoodies are in!  If you pre-ordered a hoodie, please come in the office a grab it.  We did order some extra hoodies in Youth and Adult sizes, so if you still want to grab one as a Christmas gift or something, hurry in.  They turned out really cool!  The hoodie price is $40 plus tax. Color: Black, Charcoal Grey, and a Heather Blue

10 11, 2021

Huge Sale on Gear

2022-06-14T03:54:19-06:00Categories: Springville|

1.  ALL Uniforms (Black and White):  $35 2.  In office Escrima Sets:  $20 for plain pattern, $25 for burn pattern 3.  One set of Rattan Spiral Nunchucks:  $40 for 2 (normally $60) 4.  ALL Rattan Bo Staffs:  $35 (normally $45) 5.  Omega T-Shirts (limited sizes available):  $12 (normally $20) All sale items are for items that are currently in the pro-shop now.  If you want to order any new items, we are offering a 15% discount off any catalog items from now until the end of November. Hurry while in office supplies last.  They will go fast.

9 08, 2021

Date Announced for Shine On Tournament

2021-09-03T19:59:52-06:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|

We are having our Shine On for Shihan Tournament this year!!  As of right now, we have been given the go-ahead to hold our tournament.  We will keep you posted if there are any changes in the Utah State COVID-19 regulations.  BUT WE ARE EXCITED TO HAVE OUR TOURNAMENT! REGISTER on the tournament website at SHINEONTOURNAMENT.COM This tournament is mandatory, as we have not had a tournament for 2 years now.  We would like ALL OMEGA students to compete.  This is a teaching style tournament and prefect for those students who have never competed in a tournament before. Please put [...]

15 07, 2021

Free Tai Chi with Grandmaster Perdaris

2022-11-08T01:20:45-07:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|

Dear Omega: During Black Belt Week we are privileged to have Hanshi Pano Perdaris visit us from Colorado. He is our OTF 10th DAN Grandmaster and is also a leader in Tai Chi and loves to practice and teach this wonderful art. While he is here in Utah, he will be offering a FREE 30-40 min Tai Chi class on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday morning. The class will begin at 6:30 AM in the upstairs dojang at the Springville studio. All are welcome. If you are interested in attending, please be 5 min early and wear comfortable clothing to move [...]

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