

March 2016

Low Belt Testing Saturday

2017-01-12T10:27:47-07:00Categories: Springville|

For those who are testing this Saturday please make sure to be at the studio by 9:00 AM, wearing your full white uniform, with all your sparring gear, and for those that are testing for Sr. Green Belt - make sure to bring your completed notebooks and your bo staff as well. We will begin the test at 9:30 AM. Regular Saturday classes are cancelled due to testing.

January 2016

Feb 6: Kid Kicker / Little Dragon Tournament

2017-02-20T20:16:53-07:00Categories: Springville|

We will be having our Omega KK/LD Inter-school Tournament on Saturday, February 6th, 2016!  This is a great tournament to compete in as it caters to the first time competitor.  This tournament is a teaching style tournament and will help introduce your student into the world of martial art competition. Tournament Registration Form This year we will be holding the tournament at: Merit Prep Academy 1440 West Center Street, Springville, UT We will begin check in at 8:15 AM and the tournament will begin at 9:00 AM. For more details, visit the Tournament Page. If you have any questions please contact us at the [...]

New Winter Schedule is Done

2017-01-12T10:28:05-07:00Categories: Springville|

Dear Parents and Students: After ALOT of work and figuring out the best solution for everyone, we have FINALLY settled on our new Omega schedule.  Thank you to everyone for your input and patience while we figured everything out. The reason for the change in schedule was a need to reduce class sizes and to offer Youth and Adults classes separate.  The schedule reflects now that the Youth classes will be held on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays.  The Adult classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  There are some guidelines as to the ages of each class.  If you have any [...]

December 2015

Dec 17 Omega Christmas Party

2017-01-12T10:28:12-07:00Categories: Springville|

Next Thursday, December 17, Omega Springville will be holding its Annual Christmas Party.  The evening will begin at 6:00 PM and go to around 7:30 PM.  The food will be pot luck style, so please bring your favorite dessert, appetizer, dish, chips and sals, dip, vege tray, etc. to share with everyone.  Admission into the party will be to bring an item or many items to donate to our Omega food drive.  Please ONLY bring canned food or non-perishable items to donate.   The party is for all family members of students who attend Omega Martial Arts & Alpha Self Defense classes.  We generally [...]

November 2015

Omega Hoodies: order this week!

2017-02-20T20:17:48-07:00Categories: Springville|

Omega Hoodies – These hoodies are the good, thick hoodies that have the logo embroidered on the front and back.  These hoodies make really nice Christmas gifts.  If you are interested in getting one they will be $35 plus tax.  They come in all adult and youth sizes and will come in either Black or Charcoal Gray.  I need to know this week if you want to order one for Christmas or just order one in general.


2017-01-12T10:28:39-07:00Categories: Springville|

Because of the overwhelming response to Saturday's tournament. We will be holding it at Merit Academy at 1440 W Center, Springville, UT 84663. Times are still the same. Check-in at 8:30am This new location will provide better spectator viewing and parking. See you tomorrow! *Please share this post, so everyone knows! *Click the link below for directions from Omega to Merit Academy https://goo.gl/maps/Xof8uWiC2TC2

Big Tournament this Saturday! Over 100 students registered

2017-01-12T10:28:47-07:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|

Dear Parents and Students: This is just a quick reminder about the Omega Inter-school Tournament we are hosting this Saturday, November 7th, at the Springville Studio.  If you have not yet signed up and still are interested, there is still time.  Please come into the office and get registered. For those that are competing, please make sure to be at the studio for check in between 8:30 - 9:00 AM.   We will be starting the tournament right at 9:00 AM.  Make sure to wear a full uniform (no t-shirts).  The uniform can be either white or black.  If you are sparring, [...]

October 2015

September 2015

Black Belt Week Class Schedule

2017-02-20T20:19:16-07:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|

Dear Parents, Students, & Instructors: Next week (September 21 – 26) is our 2015 Annual Black Belt Week.  This is where our Omega Instructors have the opportunity to advance in their black belt ranks.  I would highly encourage you to attend as many sessions as time would permit.  There is no charge to watch these sessions, so come and enjoy watching your instructors present the Omega System from start to finish. We always have a modified schedule so please make note of the changes in class times that are only applicable to next week’s classes. Monday: – 5:00 – 6:00 [...]

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