

August 2017

Announcing Omega in Vineyard

2017-08-01T00:07:11-06:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|Tags: |

Dear Family and Friends, There has been talk, and mention has been made, of a potential expansion of Omega to Vineyard. IT’S TRUE!  Starting at the beginning of this coming school year, we will be starting a branch program in Vineyard City at Freedom Preparatory Academy. I (Sabunim Conrad Bird) will  be heading up this program's development, so feel free to ask me any question you or your friends may have. With such an exiting opportunity, we are seeking for your help in promoting this move forward. Below are ways that we could REALLY use your help: Please take a [...]

July 2017

Next Week is Black Belt Week!

2017-07-08T16:53:28-06:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|Tags: |

Week of July 10 - 15: This is our Annual Black Belt Week!  There will b e NO Classes held this week for any program.  We invite ALL students to come and watch all or some of the Black Belt Testing sessions and seminar with our Grand Master Hanshi Pano Perdaris. This week is very important to us as instructors and to you as students.  It only comes around once a year and we want to celebrate the tradition of martial arts and also those who are testing this year. Please make sure you come and watch as much of the [...]

April 2017

Chance Moffett – Gold & Grand Champion

2017-04-12T11:46:43-06:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|Tags: , , , |

A huge shout-out to Chance Moffett who competed at the Friendship Open Tournament on Saturday won Gold in his Forms division and then went on to win the Forms Grand Champion Award!! Chance represented Omega Martial Arts well (it was spring break for everyone else). We are proud of you reaching outside your comfort zone to compete against other schools, styles and disciplines! Sponsored by West Coast World Martial Arts. The 14th annual Friendship Open was held in the arena at the Salt Lake Community College on Redwood Road. 13 exciting events. This is a great tournament for first timers as [...]

March 2017

UPDATE: Omega Invitational Tournament – for ALL Ages

2017-03-31T17:55:32-06:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|

Due to popular demand, we have expanded our upcoming tournament to include ALL ages and ranks!! This will be a great day and a fantastic way to kick off your Spring. We hope to see you all there. // SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2017 // REGISTER ONLINE at our Omega website (Sorry there will be no black belt divisions, but plan for next time!) // CLICK HERE for FULL TOURNAMENT INFO, RULES & REGISTRATION //

How to Tie on my Belt

2018-03-14T10:42:20-06:00Categories: Springville|Tags: , |

New students and parents - this video is for you! How do you tie your student's belt on? This quick tutorial will show you how its done at Omega Martial Arts. We also tell you the meaning behind your belt. After you tie your belt, then ends should be even and balanced. One side represents the physical part of martial arts, the other side is spiritual and mental side of martial arts and you want those to be balanced in your life.

Your First Omega Test – What to Expect

2017-03-09T14:18:45-07:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|

If you have never tested in an Omega Formal Test, let me explain how the process works so you know what to expect!  You will be tested on your knowledge, skill level and ability to perform the required techniques required for your desired belt rank advancement. Each tester will do the majority of their requirements at a designated testing table.  We test also your ability to stay focused on the instructors in front of you.  There will be 6 tables running.  When all the tables are done, we will then come together and have the board breaking portion of the [...]

February 2017

Save the Date: USA Taekwondo State Championships

2017-02-22T14:28:01-07:00Categories: Omega News, Springville|

Save the Date! We are looking into competing at this tournament this year - USA Taekwondo State Championships April 29, 2017 Salt Palace, SLC More information and registration should be coming... Here is a link to their website: http://www.teamusa.org/USA-Taekwondo/Event-Calendar/2017/April/29/2017-Utah-State-Championships

President’s Day Classes

2017-02-22T14:17:49-07:00Categories: Springville|

Little Dragons - we will be having regular class today. Youth Martial Arts - On holidays we generally have low numbers attend, so we will be having ONE combined Youth Martial Arts class from 4 - 5 PM.  If you normally attend the 5 - 6 or 6 - 7 PM classes, please come to the 4 - 5 PM class for tonight only.  Please make sure to bring your sparring gear too (if you have it).

Love for Sab. Catherine McNeece

2017-02-20T20:13:13-07:00Categories: Springville|

For those who are aware, one of our amazing instructors, Sab. Catherine McNeece, was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer last month.  We are working hard to make sure she feels love from the Omega family.  There has been a push to set up a collection of donated funds, and/or letters of love and encouragement for her.  If you are interested in donating any funds please see Kwan. Richard or Chung. Sarah at the studio.  If you would like to send give her a letter, you can turn those in at the office too.  Anything helps.

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