October & November – I Am Awesome – Perseverance & Grit
This is the last "I AM AWESOME" worksheet for the year. As you will see, I combined the October and November into one worksheet. I am [...]
Fall Holiday & Event Schedule Update
Here are some important upcoming events that you need to be aware of: Tuesday, October 30th - Kid Kicker & Little Dragon Halloween Party. These parties [...]
September – I Am Awesome – Self Control
Dear Parents and Students: Here is the September I AM AWESOME Worksheet. The theme is Self Control. A great skill to exercise with school now beginning. [...]
Tournament Registration is LIVE!
Dear Students, On behalf of the Omega Tao Federation, we would like to invite you to attend our 4th Annual Shine On For Shihan Tournament! This [...]
August – I am Awesome – Friendship
Dear Parents and Students: Here is the August I AM AWESOME Worksheet. The theme is Friendship. Remember that the July through November worksheets will ultimately be [...]
July – I Am Awesome – Honoring America
Dear Parents and Students: Here is the July I AM AWESOME Worksheet. The theme is Honoring America. Remember that the July through November worksheets will ultimately be [...]