Date Announced for Shine On Tournament
We are having our Shine On for Shihan Tournament this year!! As of right now, we have been given the go-ahead to hold our tournament. We [...]
Free Tai Chi with Grandmaster Perdaris
Dear Omega: During Black Belt Week we are privileged to have Hanshi Pano Perdaris visit us from Colorado. He is our OTF 10th DAN Grandmaster and [...]
2021 Black Belt Week!
Dear Omega: It's Black Belt Week! We are so excited to watch all the Black Belt candidates test in the 2021 Black Belt test. The Black [...]
Sparring Week!
First off, I want to congratulate all the students who tested on Saturday, they all did an amazing job! 1. This week is Sparring Week at [...]
2020 Holiday Schedule Hours
Dear Omega Family, I wanted to let you know about the rest of the year and when we will be taking time off. 1. We will [...]
Utah State Mask Mandate Info and Omega
Dear Omega: Many of you listened to Gov. Herbert last night about Utah being in a state of emergency regarding COVID-19 and what we can do [...]